Noelle Andressen, actress and artist. Experience the raw Hollywood journey.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cars and Stars

It was another hot, fun night at the Car Show. As soon as I'm able, I would love to have an '64 Vette or maybe a '55 Caddy convertable. It's gotta be baby blue though, how sweet.

My love for cars happened when I was a wee one. My dad owned a gas station and would get these cool Hot Wheels/Matchbox die cast metal cars. He would bring them home for me to play with and he taught me a lot. Vehicles just aren't made with the same art and style like years ago. Today, they're all cookie cutter designs.

What we need in this world is an Art Awakening! Art has become something that all looks the same or it's all angry. Yes, this is a blanket statement, which isn't my heart's intent, I know that there are many who do accomplish original works, but for the most part it's lost. You can see this in film, music, art, clothing, etc, etc, etc....I think political correctness may have stifled our expression. I could be wrong, I'm just an artist what do I know?

I'm in that strange age group where I'm not considered a Baby Boomer and not from Gen X. It's like there's a group of people within a 7 year age range that doesn't quite fit in either group, stuck somewhere in between. I do know from talking with these people that they generally don't like PC, labels, and suppression of logic. Let's break out of the box.

I bring this up because I think this group may need to help stimulate an awakening in art.

Cool thing--Jay did wave today as did a few other Execs. and entertainers. I can't begin to tell you how many great people I've met since I started my campaign. The part I love best is getting a big wave or laugh my way. I'm glad I can help brighten people's lives for even a brief moment.

I'm going to start asking you, the reader to think about questions, I'll call it "Self Reflection" for lack of an inspiring moment on my part for naming it. I'd like to start stirring up, encouraging and motivating people to Live their Dreams.

Let's start with this Self Reflection:
What did you do today that was completely selfless?

We need to remember that our lives do effect others and we should try to do our best to make that a positve difference. Shouldn't we all be tired of the negative things we send out to people and start creating a positive atmosphere. Try this for one day and see how much better your mood is and most importantly the smiles you'll get in return. I'm going to work on this in my life more, as I'm seeing that being grouchy and negative for no good reason doesn't do anyone a bit of good.

Now go Live Your Dreams and participate in the art of life.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Non-Working Girl

After another day striving to get some type of employment, and following up on prior job leads in industry work and non industry work, I've gotten no where. How it is that a young, experienced girl like myself can't get work? I have a cheery, friendly disposition, hard working, college graduate with a BA degree. This is just too coincidental--too funny--fate is still forcing me down a path that's extremely straight and narrow. I guess I haven't reached the right door.

Word of encouragement to all sharing similar paths....
These things that are trying and difficult will only make those striving for extraordinary lives stronger humans. When we have all conquered the summit, we must remember our journey and help others with their climb. Let's all hang in there together and help one another.

Friday, July 14, 2006


I'm quickly becoming known as the Food Girl. This proves that this campaign, no matter how wacky, has worked. I've become a landmark for those in Burbank on their way to and from work. If only there wasn't such dire truth behind the campaign. I don't know how all this will work out, I don't know what saving grace will pull us out of despair.

Went to the car show at Bob's, wow! I loved it. I met so many industry people, but most importantly, we could all share our love for cars. I'll have to post some pics.

Also, a casting director who was very gracious approached with a delightful chuckle (I'm glad this person gets the point of the campaign, some don't). I was handed a business card with an oportunity to work. This was a blessing, lord knows I need to work. I hope these people who have touched me realize that they are doing more than they may know. Thank you!

About homelessness....
I know what it's like being homeless and am frightened I may have to return to it again. My burden has become so heavy; laced with trepidation and a future of uncertainty. I know what it's like to be so far down and plan to use my series of unfortunate events to bless others. I'm not sure what form this will take, I'll leave that up to fate.

Know this--my soft place to fall is in my friends, family and god. Without them things would be meaningless and I would be a basket case.

On to the next adventurous go live your dreams, experience life, it's really not as scary as it may seem.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Measure of a Man

Many times I debated how I wanted to handle this blog, quite specifically how personal I would or wouldn't make it. Today that question I had rattling in my head for a while was put to a resolute rest. Raw. Naked - not in body but in soul. Here I lay before you the truth not white washed or polished in gold.

I don't know how not to be completely honest. It sells myself short, it cheats those I can help through my trials, and it cheapens the human experience. Life was meant to be lived and experienced.

The truth is I have 3 Emmy nominations: music, writing and producing. My husband and I self made a killer documentary that knocked the socks off many. The cold hard truth is that we can't get jobs. We're talking about in the industry AND normal every day work. I was a secretary for Aaron Spelling in Doug S. Cramer's office for crying out loud and I can't get work in the administrative field. My husband has had a professional history as a mover, and he can't get hired. What's up with that? Now to talk about the industry, I've worked as a professional script supervisor--forget it, can't get work there either. Our writing has been Emmy nominated (not under Andressen, that is my stage name), can't get any agency to rep us with our scripts. I'd like to know how many of their clients actually have Emmy noms. Emmys are a huge deal.

Something is up--fate is at work and the path is very narrow. We cannot sway to the left or the right. Our path is being made very specific and so precise that to exhale ever so slightly would cause us to spin out of control. At least it feels that way.

During times like this a Man is Measured. (When I say man I mean collectively including woman.) Voltaire had this to say: Ver les sommet suffit a rompir un coeur. Not sure if my French spelling is correct but it translates to: It is the climb to the summit that satisfies the soul.

Ah yes, the climb. It is rough. Not just for those who seek employment in the industry, but all over. Has any one noticed how much more we must pine and labor for our goals, hopes, dreams, daily bread, etc? Things that worked in the 90's avails little now, efforts that were achieved with 50% elbow grease now requires 110%.

Times are extremely tough and we all need each other to survive. I do not doubt that times ahead are more challenging than the previous. We're all broken. With such brokeness, it's a wonder that the human spirit still finds the heart to soar.

What to do....
I began a campaign, for lack of terms I've named it the Food Campaign. What this is an attempt to let the industry know I exist. My photographer impressed upon me that I need to resound louder than those already in the loop. But how??? Necessity is the mother of creativity. If you want to know what I did...

What I'm learning from my campaign is that the human race is extremely compassionate. I've put smiles on peoples faces and laughter in their hearts. Only the few who stop and talk with me know the honest truth. For those few who have stopped and helped, I thank you, my son and husband thank you. You will never be forgotten and are not nameless strangers to me. Those who have offered me jobs, please know this...there is more at stake here than a career, don't break my heart.

I treasure all the wonderful people I met in the last few days. What wonderful colors you all add to the world, I'm glad to know you. You don't know what a valuable gift you gave to me. Thank you for all the waves, smiles, laughs, and yes, the whistles and honks! Gotta have the honks!

Hmmmmm....I wonder what beauty will be in my world tomorrow. Who will I meet, will I make an impression on someone's heart? Will they make one on mine?

My advice to you: Live your dreams.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Website launched.